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Top 3 Legitimate Ways to Work from Home with Google

What Google Jobs at Home are Available?
Jobs Through Google

First, Google does have a website that lists its open careers.

This should absolutely be your first place to check if you want to work with Google.

Head to the Google Careers page.

From there, you can search for a specific type of job or browse the Fields of Work link to see what categories have jobs available.

For each category, you can choose the See Jobs link to find open jobs.

Unfortunately, there is no way to search by remote jobs, so you’ll need to do some digging.

When you find a job that looks relevant, you can read its full description to see if there’s a telecommuting or remote opportunity available for that job.

Alternatively, you can search for “remote” or “telecommute” in the search field to see what pops up.

For example, when I did that, a listing for Sales Engineer for Google Cloud came up in the results.

This position does have on-site jobs available, but people in some specific locations may be eligible for a remote role.

However, you still may be required to travel to conferences and events throughout the year, so it won’t be fully remote.

One thing that’s great about Google’s career site is that you can set up alerts to get notified when new jobs match your preferences.

If you have your heart set on a specific job category with Google, search for that on the site and create an alert to get email notifications.

You can also do this with a general “remote” or “telecommute” search to get an alert any time a new opportunity that may be remote becomes available.

Google Ads Quality Rater or Search Evaluator

One of the ways to work with Google from home that you’ve probably already heard of is through its Ads Quality Rater and Search Evaluation positions.

This job circles around a lot in the work from home online world.

Not only is it a remote position, but it lets you jump on board with Google!

Sometimes, you may get lucky and find these jobs by searching the Google Careers site for “ads quality rater.”

If nothing comes up, then set an alert to notify you when one does.

However, you’ll usually have more luck signing up for one of the third-party services that partners with Google:

These companies have partnerships with Google and create jobs for work-at-home ads quality raters to help improve the quality of Google ads and search results.

These jobs typically take a while to review new applicants, so don’t be surprised if you don’t hear back from them for a few weeks.

Once you do, you’ll need to take an in-depth test that judges your ability to rate ads and search results accurately.

What Does an Ads Quality Rater/Search Evaluator Do?

Both jobs are very similar but have different names.

In these positions, you’ll evaluate Google search results based on their relevancy to search queries, or the terms people search for.

Using an online tool provided by Google or a partnered company, you’ll rate them according to a given scale.

You’ll look for things like how the results match the query’s intended location, how legitimate the information is on the websites in the results, etc.

Google employs remote workers to do this type of work so that it can constantly improve its algorithm and make sure that everyone gets the best results possible.

Even the most tech-savvy company can’t have a 100% fool-proof artificial intelligence system, and Google knows that humans still do the best job with this type of work.

How Much Does It Pay?

When you get paid directly by Google for this work, you can expect to make $14 to $15 per hour, according to some who have done the job.

However, you’ll need to sign non-disclosure agreements, so it’s not something that’s public knowledge at this time.

When you work with a company like Appen or Lionbridge, you can make anywhere from $12 to $15 per hour.

It’s important to note, though, that this isn’t full-time work.

You might have some weeks where you get 20 hours or more, and others where you get only 10 or none at all.

Google AdSense

As I mentioned, there is an indirect way to work for Google from home.

That’s by placing Google ads on your website through the Google AdSense program.

Technically, you’ll be making your own money working through Google AdSense’s platform, so you’re not working for the company.

Still, you’re getting paid from Google by placing its partners ads on your website, so it’s a roundabout way of working with Google from home.

When you have a website, you can work from anywhere.

Google AdSense is one of the most popular ways to monetize a blog.

You have a lot of control over what your ads look like and the type of ads that display on your site.

Google’s intuitive algorithm matches ads really well with your website based on the people who visit your site and the other places they visit online.

If you have a beauty blog, for example, your visitors will likely see ads for cosmetics, clothing stores, or hair coloring kits.

I’ve used Google ads for most of my websites over the years.

Regardless of whether I had little or a lot of traffic, I still made some money from people who visited my site and clicked on relevant ads.

I won’t suggest using Google AdSense as your main source of income, or even your main source of blog monetization.

Other methods, like sponsored posts and brand ambassadorships, can be much more lucrative.

So, it won’t be a full-time job from Google, but it’s still worthy of a mention if you’re dying to work with Google in an at-home position.

Avoiding Google Job Scams

Scams for work from home jobs, in general, are very common.

Scams for Google work from home jobs seem to be even more rampant because scammers know how badly people want to work from Google.

They see them as an easy target for a scam.

The truth is that Google isn’t a company that’s widely known for having work from home jobs.

So, when you see one listed anywhere besides on Google’s career site, you should proceed with caution from the start.

Google work from home scams fall into many of the same categories that others do, like:
  • Asking for you to pay to receive some sort of kit or to get started with work
  • Asking you to pay an application fee
  • They seem too good to be true
  • They promise to make you a lot of money but don’t provide details of how to do it

Google job scams tend to have Google in their name somewhere to make them seem like a legitimate part of Google.

However, the scammers are using Google’s name illegally to try to build trust in unsuspecting people.

For example, a widespread scam went around several years ago known as the Google Money Tree.

The scam promised that users would be able to make $100,000 in six months after purchasing a work from home kit.

However, the scam never made it known to customers that they’d then get charged over $70 a month thereafter.

In 2012, the Federal Trade Commission issued over $2 million to customers who got scammed by the business.

There are tons of other scams that pop up all the time, though.

They use Google’s name and logo to seem legit.

They might even have “testimonials” from happy customers and logos of places they’ve been featured.

But, just because they use a logo or say something interesting doesn’t make them legit, especially when it comes to Google jobs.

Always look for the biggest sign of a scam first, which is asking you for money to start your “business” or to get hired.

Google does not require you to pay anything up front to get started with a legit job with the company.

You can also check a website for company information and do a web search on that company to see if it actually exists.

Look for the company on the BBB and search for online reviews whenever you’re not sure.

And, if anything smells fishy to you, it probably is.

Trust your gut.